Summertime Health Tips

Its summer and most of us spend more hours outside enjoying the sun and the challenges of protecting our skin from sun damages. Studies show more than 50% of men and women fail to use proper sun protection factor (SPF) during these months. Most facial creams have a minimum of SPF15 providing a minimal level of protection for the facial skin against the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. The UVs are responsible for the sun’s aging process and extensive exposure can lead to skin cancer. Millions of skin cancer cases are diagnosed each year, and they may have been prevented with the use of sunscreen.

Summer’s a perfect time to take advantage of warmer days adding some variation to regular fitness routines with outdoor activities. As the weather changes along with more outdoor activity, diets need to change to support the body’s increased demands. Consider adding fresh foods the body can process quickly for energy and additional hydration. Diets with fresh foods can also help protect the body against some chronic diseases and more fluids can prevent heat related conditions due to sun and environmental exposure.

Sunny Health Benefits

There are healthy aspects of getting a daily dose of sun. It’s a natural way for our bodies to produce vitamin D. There’s no need to stay in the sun all day to reap the benefits, 15-20 minutes is enough and prevents getting burnt, while enjoying the sun.

  • Limit direct exposure
  • Use sun protective

As outside summer activities increase they can help to raise the heart rate, causing the body to break into a healthy sweat. The benefit of working out and breathing harder is directly related to the body’s blood system, improving its body functions and moods. The activity triggers the blood to circulate, moving it through the body to clean out the arteries, strengthening the heart during the workout. Just be sure to drink plenty of water to replenish the body’s fluid loss.

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Protect lips with SPF 30 lip balm

During the warmer weather season, food should be protected from the sun to prevent germs. Our own skin can serve as the perfect incubator for germs to flourish. A few precautions, like washing your hands and cleaning food surfaces can help to prevent illness. Backyard and beach BBQs can generate food germs if not prepared properly, along with cooking temperatures to prevent harmful bacteria as a result of uncooked foods.

  • Consider precooking before grilling
  • Cover and protect foods