Business Archive

Chipotle to Offer Hourly Employees Benefits

According to Chipotle’s recruitment strategy manager, J.D. Cummings, the decision to offer benefits was made to help Chipotle attract more college and high school students, who they believe make up their target staff members. The goal of the benefits program would be to help employees get the extra push and benefits they need to

Small Business & Social Media

Social Media has become the new frontier in terms of business marketing, client retention and visibility. A few well-placed posts on social media can boost sales, image and reach countless people who might not have heard of the businesses otherwise. It can be harder for small businesses to take advantage of social media in their

Jobs Numbers Are Largely Being Powered By Fast Food

Reporters at CNBC are happy to report these strong numbers, but they would also like everyone to step back and note that many of the jobs that are being gained are fast food jobs. There is nothing particularly wrong with that per se, except for the fact that they are obviously low wage jobs.